Building This Ship As We Sail It
Dear NESIR Colleagues:
I want to thank all of you for contributing to the success of our 2012-2013 season. Serving as President over this past year has been an honor and I am deeply indebted to Dr. Richard Taus, Dr. Greg Walker, Dr. Sanjeeva Kalva, Dr. Susan O’Horo, Dr. Michael Stecker , Dr. Neil Halin, and Ms. Blanca Rivera for all of their invaluable support.
I came to my first NESIR meeting as a resident in 1991. That’s long enough ago that I’ve seen a significant extension in the arc of IR as it’s practiced. The things we talked about doing and the things we imagined doing have become the things we actually do.
We're building this ship as we sail it. Looking back upon the lectures that were delivered this year, I see our future. At it’s core, IR is an innovative and evolving discipline committed to high quality care. As we stand upon the forming edge of IR, each one of us has the opportunity to advance the practice of innovative, humane and compassionate care to our patients through the learning NESIR offers.
I am happy to announce that Dr. Herlen Alencar has been elected as the next President of NESIR. Dr. Alencar first joined NESIR while serving as a fellow at The Brigham and Women’s Hospital and currently serves as Chief of Vascular Interventional Radiology at UMass Memorial Medical Center. He has a strong commitment to our organization and will be in contact with you in the weeks to come.
Thank you for entrusting me with the care of NESIR over the past year. I hope I have been a good steward of the organization and will continue to offer my services as a member of the Executive Council.
I want to congratulate Dr. Alencar on his new role and look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting on Monday September 9th.
Hirschel McGinnis